
Public Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday, February 26th from 5 pm to 7:30 pm
WHERE: Village of Pecos Conference Room, 92 South Main St., Pecos, NM 87552

Join us in supporting the proposed mineral withdrawal and learn how you can make your voice heard by attending the meeting!

The U.S. Department of the Interior has proposed a 20-year withdrawal to protect the Upper Pecos River watershed area for its water and air quality, cultural resources, scenic integrity, critical fish and wildlife habitat, and recreational value. The area includes 163,483 acres of Santa Fe National Forest lands and 1,327.16 acres of public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The agencies have announced a 2-year pause on new mining claims and development, and on new oil, gas, and geothermal leasing while they study the proposal and gather public input. The lands remain open to disposal under the mineral materials laws (e.g., gravel mining).

A public meeting on the proposed withdrawal will be held on February 26, 2025, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Village of Pecos Conference Room, 92 South Main St., Pecos, NM 87552.

The BLM must receive written comments by March 17, 2025. Comments must be submitted by mail to the NM State Director of the Bureau of Land Management, 301 Dinosaur Trail, Santa Fe NM 87508

Click here for more info.

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